Still a work in process with many many blogs and travels to fill in but these are my misadventures over the years… with many family and friends living outside of Los Angeles I often find myself on the road. Add to that my love of adventure and you can see where sometimes I may get myself into trouble… Turns out the latest in the line of many would be the weekly dive bar even in Lake Havasu! But these are my travel ramblings. Mostly they are just stories about places, sometimes about people (more often than not the include an ex or two). Often it’s just pictures (because in some places of the world only an actual picture can do it justice!). Or even just reviews They include infamous Best of Lists. And sometimes they are just my friends travels to visit me. But pour yourself a glass of wine, open up my favorite porn (guidebooks- get your mind out of the gutter!) and join me on one of the many trips…
Friday, August 8, 2008
Meeting the Parents... GASP!
Now there comes a point in every relationship when you have to meet the parents. And it’s something every person dreads. For me I get especially worried after Mr. Wyoming’s Mother hated me and had no problem telling that to me face… though ironically he still doesn’t remember her ever not liking me. I’m not kidding when I tell you this woman use to call every night just when we were going to bed (or having sex) and he would freaking answer it- even if we were having sex! But that’s an entirely different relationship story… anyways Sunday morning Mr. Green meet my parents. Now in a normal circumstance it would be WAY too soon to meet them- especially since we are only just dating! But seeing as both myself and them live out of town and we all were in San Diego for the wedding the timing was just right. Though I have to say I originally I didn’t invite him to brunch because I know that I had been pressuring him too much lately to get the allusive commitment, and I figured meeting the family would send him over the edge. Plus he was going to be spending the weekend at wedding events with me, which was also a little bit of pressure for just a budding relationship. When I first mentioned the brunch I knew I had guessed correctly, he kind of froze and was like ok I’ll think about it. Which kind of was the answer I wanted for two reasons. One I didn’t think it was fair to introduce them to someone I was dating if it wasn’t serious… and two they never like anyone I’ve ever dated and I just can’t deal anymore with having to justify and defend someone to my family. But as the weekend progressed (and he luckily missed meeting them at both the Out of Town Guests drinks reception and at the end of the wedding) he started to change his mind…And Saturday night after the wedding (before I passed out drunk, the poor guy!) he decided that he was ready to meet them in the morning… though of course that’s not saying it was easy to drag his ass out of bed Sunday morning! I once again told him he could sleep in and I would meet up with him when I was done, but he surprisingly rallied and met them with me at the Green Flash for breakfast. But what was even more surprising was the fact that my family seemed to really like him. My Mom is still not sold, but only because of the fact that he lives in San Diego. She kept saying he seems really great, nice, handsome… but he’s not local (as if I needed her to ONCE again remind me of that one!). And she made a point to mention that he was 10 times better than Mr. NakedBartender ever was … but the person that I was most shocked with was my father. He first got on the phone and was upset because I didn’t call and ask him what he had thought of Mr. Green. Oh great, here it is I thought… but what he said was that he really liked him, thought he was great. And of course his little input on my ex’s was- I like Mr. Green, and you know I never liked Mr. Arizona. Which wasn’t a surprise since in the last 2 years of us being together my father actually REFUSED to talk him. Mr. Arizona would come over to my parent’s house for many events and holidays and would barely acknowledge his existence! And here is my Dad calling to say that he actually (GASP) approves of someone I’m dating… seriously hell might have frozen over down there in San Diego over the weekend. Or it could be that I’m actually dating a good guy?! Though as we all know I have been drastically wrong before when saying that statement, so really only time will tell...

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